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Expert Insight: What Design of Experiments (DoE) can do for you
Phil Kay (Manager of Global Technical Enablement at JMP) and Prism's own Andrew Macpherson discuss the importance of Design of Experiments.Read More -
Blog: Online training from Prism
Learn how we've adapted our most popular statistics workshops for online delivery!Read More -
Article: The Sequential Nature of Classical Design of Experiments
Part one of a series of three articles titled Practical (Real-life) Implementation of Sequential Design of Experiments and the Introduction of Definitive Screening DesignsRead More -
Article: The Evolution of Definitive Screening Designs from Optimal (Custom) DoE
Part two of a series of three articles exploring Practical (Real-life) Implementation of Sequential Design of Experiments and the Introduction of Definitive Screening DesignsRead More -
Article: Strategies to Combat Problems Employing DSDs
Part three of a series of three articles exploring Practical (Real-life) Implementation of Sequential Design of Experiments and the Introduction of Definitive Screening DesignsRead More -
How To: Set up a 2-level factorial design using Minitab
Harness the benefits of Design of Experiments (DoE) with this guide to setting up your first design in Minitab!Read More -
How To: Analyse a 2-level factorial design using Minitab
Harness the benefits of Design of Experiments (DoE) with this guide to analysing your first design in Minitab!Read More -
How To: Set up a 2-level factorial design using Design-Expert software
Explore the power of Design of Experiments (DoE) with this quick guide to setting up your first design!Read More -
How To: Analyse a 2-level factorial design using Design-Expert software
Explore the power of Design of Experiments (DoE) with this quick guide to analysing your first design!Read More -
Article: Beer Blends
When planning the 2014 European DoE User Meeting, we were faced with the challenge of hosting a fun evening event as well as giving the closing talk on the final conference day. After weighing up several options, we inevitably settled on our favourite topic: beer!Read More -
Article: Quality Beer Design
At Prism, we like to think that we're "glass half full" kind of people. We're especially happy when our glass is half full of beer, and happier still when that beer has been poured to perfection. What makes a perfect pint? Read on to find out.Read More -
Article: Scoping Designs
A simple but often useful approach to initial experimentation, offering information about factor ranges, reproducibility and your ability to achieve response goals!Read More -
Expert Insight: Dr Brad Jones (JMP) on Definitive Screening Designs
Award-winning statistician and Principal Research Fellow in the JMP division of SAS discusses his creation.Read More -
Blog: I'm No Statistician, but... let's explore Design of Experiments training
Our 2-day Effective DoE Implementation workshop is a popular choice for clients - but what exactly does this course entail?Read More