Blog: Prism's Top 5 Features in JMP 14
Learn about our favourite new and improved features of the latest version of JMP, to see which enhancements could be useful to you!
Written by Andrew Macpherson, Managing Director.We recently attended the Discovery Summit 2018 in Frankfurt, where we presented our Definitive Augmentation of Definitive Screening Designs paper, along with our Science-driven Software Solutions poster. As well as this, we were treated to a sneak preview of the latest release of the software, and have picked out some of our favourite new features…
1. Projects
A common complaint from JMP users is that they quickly get overwhelmed by the number of tables, reports, charts and dialogs that the software produces – before you know it, you can have dozens of windows cluttering up your screen (as shown below)!

JMP 14 introduces a new Projects file management tool, allowing you to group related files together into a single window:

Items can be tabbed and/or docked, providing a really useful way to keep on top of your workflow. You can also add related files, folders and bookmarks to keep all the relevant together in one place. This being JMP though, your options are not limited – if you prefer the multiple window interface, then you can carry on using it in that way too!
2. Images as Markers
Previous versions of JMP allowed you to store images in your data tables, and these could be displayed in a tooltip when hovering over a data point in a graph. However, it always felt like the final piece of the puzzle was missing, as you were still restricted to simple graph markers (below).

JMP 14 puts that right by allowing you to use your images as markers on your graph. This particular example below shows the results of a simple psychometric test on the Prism team members, so it makes sense to use our photos to show how our personalities compare to one another!

3. Functional Data Explorer
JMP 14 Pro introduces a whole new platform in the shape of the Functional Data Explorer. If your data takes the form of profiles (whether it be measuring your response across time, temperature, concentrations etc.), then this specialised modelling approach combines the best of multivariate methods and simplified curve fitting!

4. Improved Recode functionality
One of the most time-consuming aspect of data analysis is data management; in particular, cleaning up inconsistencies in manually-entered labels, names and/or categories. JMP’s Recode tool has vastly simplified this process, and version 14 enhances this further. You can now clean up huge data sets in minutes (either manually or using automated methods), rather than spending hours poring over individual mistyped cells! The animation below shows another application of this - this example has multiple batch names, all of which are identical apart from the last 4 characters. Rather than having to create a formula to extract the relevant information, Recode allows you to do this in just a few clicks!

5. Group Scripts
Perhaps not a game-changer, but this is another one of those small improvements that makes life so much easier! In a complex statistical analysis, it’s common to create numerous graphs, reports and summaries – all of which tend to have their own script saved to the data table. Grouping these into logical, clearly-labelled subsets makes the navigation of your analysis dramatically simpler!

In the first image, you can see the 8 individual scripts in this example, which by default are presented in the order that they were created. On the second one, you can see that we've grouped them into the 4 stages of the analysis - this makes the purpose of each script clearer, and allows us to create a more structured analysis.
Whilst this "Top 5" list is entirely subjective, we hope that you'll find some of our favourite new features useful too! We're certified JMP Partners, so are ideally placed to help you make the most of the latest version of the software - if you'd like to find out how we could assist you through our training, consultancy and software customisation services, please feel free to get in touch for an obligation-free chat.
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